Stinkeye Glance from Jack the Disapproving Corgi: I acquired a shelter rescue dog late in the summer of 2019. His papers and documentation reveal a plausible scenario of being the product of a Texas puppy mill, and then confiscated by a Texan animal control department. He was taken to a kill shelter there – where he was later rescued by a no-kill shelter in the KC area, Unleashed Pet Rescue in Mission, KS to be precise. Dude appears to be Corgi in the body and Shiba Inu in the face. I wouldn’t be surprised if some two-bit Texas jackass with terrible motivations figured “why not put a mill-slave Corgi and a mill-slave Shiba together and then expect mad profits… RIGHT???”
Both breeds are “Internet famous” these days.
Anyhoo – he’s obviously seen some twisted stuff in his young life but has been back here in my humble KC-area undisclosed location since August, decompressing and becoming slowly accustomed to civilization – for lack of a better term. Here we have a picture of his usual stinkeye glance whenever I aim a camera – any camera – smartphone or Canon big-rig right at him. Jack the Disapproving Corgi disapproves of having his picture taken – and on occasion myself as well.
K THX BAI 4 Now.
2019 Stuff on my site