Something almost random I took at the 12th Street Bridge in the West Bottoms at sunrise back in October that I never got around to posting. There’s some long-exposure train motion in there which was why I ran over to compose as quickly as I could and try and get a shot.
NO PHOTO SHOW tonight Friday Dec. 10th as had previously been announced. Event cancelled. I could belabor all the moronic things leading up to the cancellation but then it might not seem very professional. SO DON’T SHOW UP!
See ‘ya round.
Like I noted on Monday, it can be fun to take pictures of outdoor things from inside something. I got the idea to take an HDR photo of something from inside my car after seeing this fun photo from Times Square. In my case it was the 12th Street Bridge in KCMO at sunrise on Saturday… rest doesn’t always come on schedule. I tried to go as wide as my wide angle lens allowed but I decided to crop off the sides and make the dash of the car level a bit, as in the original it was tilted a little by accident due to how cumbersome it was setting up a Manfrotto tripod in the backseat of a Ford Focus. The view here terminates up ahead with the One Kansas City Place skyscraper to the east in the downtown loop.