Garment District Architecture
At 8th and Broadway in downtown KC lies the old “Garment District” area. I’ve always really liked coming back to this area every now and then for further photos. Here we have the entryway area for the building on the southeast corner of 8th and Broadway – It’s the type of thing you’d never notice taking in the area from behind a windshield like most do.
I would have gone wider on this shot but accidentally left my zoom ring at 18mm instead of the minimum focal length of 16 mm I would have preferred.
The old Garment District in downtown Kansas City, MIssouri - February 2011
On Saturday evening over by the Red Dragon Chinese Restaurant in the old Garment District around 8th and Broadway. I was right by the remainder of the Folger’s Coffee Plant in taking this shot. It’s the frigidness we’re stuck in until about tomorrow as over the next several days it’s supposed to warm up and melt off a lot of the blizzard from last week.
On Saturday night/Sunday morning I was moving about already with my fisheye lens affixed after taking yesterday’s fountain photo, and thought this ornate entryway on 9th Street in the Garment District area was begging to also be shown via fisheye and HDR to get the evened-out light exposure between interior and exterior.