
Skywalk at 12th and Wyandotte

Ending my set of pics I took Saturday night from the downtown skywalk. Getting situated to show angles and lines in this kind of way is one of the most fun things in photography for me. The US Bank building is through the windows at the left, with the south exterior glass of the skywalk visible from where I was standing in an “outcrop” of the structure, with Wyandotte Street and the Muehlebach Hotel viewable on the right.

– Downtown Kansas City, MO, at about 12 am Saturday night/Sunday morning.

In a skywalk looking east down 12th Street.

Part three of four of my set of shots from Saturday night, with a view out the skywalk at 12th and Wyandotte. The US Bank Building is on the left, with a terminal view looking east along 12th Street.

Downtown Kansas City at 12th and Wyandotte

From the skywalk between the Muehlebach and Marriott Hotels at 12th and Wyandotte, looking southward we have a view of the Allis Plaza park (or whatever it’s called) and some reflections in the glass. I’m kind of a sucker for shots with a lot of “visual chaos.”

12th & Wyandotte KCMO Street Scene

I was out Saturday night and happened to have my photo gear with me. When I drove under the skywalk between the Muehlebach and Marriott Hotels, I noticed it had special lights running intermittently on the edges. Since I took a daytime photo in the same place back in September, I kept thinking it would be fun to get some night shots in there as well, and with those lights running on the sides, I couldn’t help but stop in for some shots. These will go through Thursday.

In this photo we’re looking in the northeast direction inside the skywalk at 12th and Wyandotte, toward the US Bank Building.