Bunch of stuff from 2013 I haven’t put up on here yet.
Skyline, Kansas City, MO.
Misc. downtown KCMO.
Chateau du Mercier.
Kansas City Board of Trade – marketplace for futures and options contracts on hard red winter wheat. Kansas City’s oldest business dating back to 1856, the KCBT exchange was acquired in December 2012 by Chicago’s CME Group for $126 million. I have worked at the KCBT for over six years, the last three on the trading floor. Trading volume on the exchange’s electronically traded platform is steadily risen year after year, siphoning away volume from the “old fashioned ” open outcry futures trading pit.
The KC Wheat futures and options contracts will begin open outcry trading on one of the CME’s trading floors in Chicago on July 1st, 2013 – as the last day of open outcry trading at the KCBT will be June 28.
Shawnee Mission Medical Center – Birth Center maternal care addition – interior architecture photos. Maybe one day I’ll get around to some of the exteriors.
More KCMO Skyline, and a bit wit the Scout Statue.
Water and sewer photos – starting with the KC Waterworks water treatment facility.
At the KC Water Department storage facility, a lot of new infrastructure like sewer and water pipes, fire hydrants and all kinds of other things to be implemented in KC this year.
Out on site – fixin’ the sewers.
I have long maintained an employ at the Kansas City Board of Trade. Here are a few shots of the wheat futures pit during a couple of closing sessions last week.
The KCBT is the world’s largest market for the Hard Red Winter Wheat grown in this region of the country, with futures and options contracts on the wheat traded electronically and in the old-style open-outcry trading pits that have been around since the Board’s inception in 1856 – making it Kansas City’s oldest business still in operation.
These were all shot with a lens aperture of f/4.0 with the light sensor’s ISO cranked up to 12,800. There are things you can do with these modern DSLRs like a Canon 5D Mark II that you wouldn’t have been able to get away with that long ago.
While one of my coworkers at the Board of Trade neared her due date, I took a couple photos of her, highly pregnant in the staff jacket on the trading floor, and also had a bit of extra time for some random photos on the trading floor a little bit before Christmas. There’s not much happening in the market for hard red winter wheat in December of most years as the crop is only busy lying in the ground waiting to sprout in the spring, as it is now.