


Trains at the 12th Street Bridge

Something almost random I took at the 12th Street Bridge in the West Bottoms at sunrise back in October that I never got around to posting. There’s some long-exposure train motion in there which was why I ran over to compose as quickly as I could and try and get a shot.

NO PHOTO SHOW tonight Friday Dec. 10th as had previously been announced. Event cancelled. I could belabor all the moronic things leading up to the cancellation but then it might not seem very professional. SO DON’T SHOW UP!

See ‘ya round.

Trains at Union Station - 1/100 sec. // f/7.1 // 220 mm // ISO 1000

A shot from early on in the Worldwide Photowalk on Sat. July 24th. We’d started at the Freighthouse went from there, with this taken from Main between Pershing and 20th.