Here we have a couple shots from near the gates to the driveway at Liberty Memorial, a couple closer up from along the sidewalk looking toward the skyline and past the Memorial with my long telephoto lens, then off to the side where I climbed up to a spot I’ve gone to three or four times now without being told by any security staff to get down. This spot allows for a slightly atypical view than the usual scene from directly north of the Memorial base – and from here you can practically make the Kauffman Center sit right behind Union Station in the photo.
A drive to downtown Kansas City, which included parking a few times to take pictures. Monday night, Sept 5 ’11.
After all this time I finally made a Facebook Fan Page for my pics CLICK HERE. Like I’m saying in my own FB newsfeed, click like on it if you’re one of those people who like clicking on things you can like on Facebook.
The annual Celebration at the Station took place last night leading into Memorial Day with a concert from the Kansas City symphony at Union Station and Liberty Memorial. The warm weather brought a big turn-out. I’ve made a habit of getting new shots of this event each year for five years in a row now. Photos shown in chronological order, Sunday evening May 29 on Memorial Day weekend.
Last Friday evening during the blizzard recovery I was wanting some skyline shots with the snow. After trudging through the mess that was Liberty Memorial I realized that vantage point would be impossible, so I went near part of the Federal Reserve driveway and went wild with the telephoto. From left to right is the Liberty Memorial, the old Power and Light Building, and the One Kansas City Place building.
This was one of my three photos I came away with (Saturday’s post being another) from my time over near the Federal Reserve building with my telephoto lens trying to capture both parts of the Liberty Memorial grounds along with the skyline after the snowfall last week. Photo taken Friday, Feb. 4 a little after sunset.
I was intending for shots from Liberty Memorial’s overlook area of the downtown skyline, but it was closed off due to the mess the blizzard left behind. After I was leaving I looked left out my window and noticed from around in front of the driveway of the Federal Reserve building you have this view (via telephoto lens) of part of the downtown skyline.
– evening of Friday, Feb. 4, 2011 –
While gathering yet more shots of the Kauffman Center construction, I turned my telephoto lens a bit to the southwest while standing on McGee at sunset on Wednesday October 6th. This is a shot of the Assurant Building, the Westin Crown Center Hotel, Liberty Memorial, and One Park Place back in the distance. I’ve been using five or six manually bracketed RAW files at varying light exposures and merging to HDR with Photomatix recently for these shots with extremely gradual changes in color and tone that come about so often when you’re shooting photos right after sunset.
The fountain on the south end of Liberty Memorial right by the entrance to the World War I Museum. Actually I had wanted to go to the top of the memorial for skyline photos but was unaware that it’s closed on Monday, so I decided the best I’d do for the day is a fountain/sunshine photo.
Football season is starting obviously, so the Kansas City Chiefs logo was painted (in a tasteful, symmetrical fashion, mind you) on the north lawn of Liberty Memorial in front of Pershing across from Union Station.
Photo from the afternoon of Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2010.